It was a really good project funded by the Home Office we worked with people seeking asylum who had just come to Leeds. We worked …

Many stories came in without photos, so we have raided the archives for things that roughly fit the stories, so the people may not match. We hope there is nothing any wishes not to see, but if you have an issue with a photograph, please tell us by email and we can take it down, thanks.
It was a really good project funded by the Home Office we worked with people seeking asylum who had just come to Leeds. We worked …
I was unemployed, and I was looking at doing some gardening. I’d bought a van and I wanted a totally different career. I’d spent 37 …
It was in September 1998 that I walked through the doors of Hollybush, in fact it was more walking down the driveway really.
I had …
I came to Hollybush in the summer of 2011, out of work, a little bit lost and needing something to occupy my time. It was …
I’d been a VO for a short time at a BTCV office in East London when i was at university and loved it.
When I …
I started at Hollybush in around 2000 as a minimum wage placement to bridge the Schools group and Hollyvols groups. I only considered it as …