Emma Crowley
I started in 1984. Good old days, poster in Library, poster said come to Hollybush. Started to do a countryside skills course, then …

Many stories came in without photos, so we have raided the archives for things that roughly fit the stories, so the people may not match. We hope there is nothing any wishes not to see, but if you have an issue with a photograph, please tell us by email and we can take it down, thanks.
Emma Crowley
I started in 1984. Good old days, poster in Library, poster said come to Hollybush. Started to do a countryside skills course, then …
I was out of work in 1981. When I went to Job Centre for an interview, man said you haven’t got much on your CV …
Edited from an audio interview
I was on a trip to Israel and came across a countryside warden in the Jordan Valley, who had a …
I began volunteering for the Learning Disability Project in April 2007. It was known as the Horticulture Project then and in conjunction with Castle College …
I left university and got a graduate job with a computer firm in Horsforth for a couple of years and that basically taught me everything …
I spent 12 months working as a Green Gym Project Officer in the South Leeds area after 17 years youth and education work in the …