It wasn’t my choice to be on the building team, I just wanted a place to live. I’d finished University and knew I wasn’t going …

Many stories came in without photos, so we have raided the archives for things that roughly fit the stories, so the people may not match. We hope there is nothing any wishes not to see, but if you have an issue with a photograph, please tell us by email and we can take it down, thanks.
It wasn’t my choice to be on the building team, I just wanted a place to live. I’d finished University and knew I wasn’t going …
It is only possible to look back at Hollybush with a big smile. My time there, although fairly short (8 months), was one of the …
In 1985 I was on a YTS (youth training scheme) I was 16 and loved every minute of it . I used to clean the …
The Conservation Corps was founded in 1959 by the Council for Nature to provide a force of volunteers to manage the then newly established National …
I came to Hollybush about eight years ago as a volunteer, there were no courses then. The woodwork workshop was very basic, with people just …
I was here age 15 on work experience in 1981 from Intake High School. The only girl amongst 9 boys. We were filling in pot …