I arrived at Hollybush in 1989 quite by chance during a walk along the canal.
I had retired early following a heart operation. I was “only enquiring” when I knocked on the door but stayed for many years (to 1995 I think Ed) and seemed to be the focal point for paperwork, admin and records in no time.
I also took part in many midweek projects with Tom and Clare among several others including Patrick in the (tree) nursery.
I soon also became a Voluntary Ranger with the Tong Calverley Project (who had their offices at Hollybush in the late 1980s and into the mid 1990s.
Ed: Keith has stayed in contact and is pictured with John in Barton on Humber in late 2019; providing insight into what is now Keith’s local patch where TCV were looking at a project.
Written by Keith Weir